What is SEO and Why Does It Matter for Your Website?


Ann Cruz


Website and Customer Success Manager

What is SEO and Why Does It Matter for Your Website?

If you're running a nonprofit or business and looking to expand your reach and boost engagement, consider employing SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. It's not just a buzzword - it's a powerful, often underutilized tool that can help you tap into new markets, connect with your audience, and drive success.

Understanding SEO

SEO means making your website and its content easier to find on search engines. Unlike traditional marketing, which often involves chasing potential supporters or customers, SEO helps people who are literally already looking for what you offer–find you more easily.

The Benefits of SEO

So, why is SEO so important? Without a good SEO strategy, you might lose potential supporters or customers to your competitors. If their websites appear higher in search results than yours, they’re more likely to grab your audience’s attention. With 60% of Google search traffic going to the first three results, having strong SEO is crucial.

How Search Engines Rank Your Organization

Search engines use complex algorithms to show users the most relevant information. High-ranking websites often publish authoritative and fresh content related to their field. For instance, a nonprofit that regularly posts insightful blogs on community issues can become a trusted online resource.

Plus, factors outside your website - like links from other reputable sites and social media shares - also boost your website's authority and improve your search ranking.

Getting Started with SEO

Building an effective SEO strategy takes time and effort. Start by focusing on topics that directly interest your audience. Instead of broad discussions, create detailed content that answers the specific questions your audience is asking.

If SEO seems confusing or overwhelming, don’t worry. Reach out to us today, and let’s talk about how we can help your nonprofit or business use SEO to reach your goals.

If you're still finding SEO challenging or overwhelming, don't panic. Contact us today and let’s get the conversation started.

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