Marketing From The Heart


Clint Rogers


Founder and CEO

Marketing From The Heart

You may recall the unforgettable ASPCA commercial featuring Sarah McLachlan’s poignant song, “Angel,” paired with powerful images of abused animals. This brief yet emotional ad was far more than just a commercial—it became a call to action, helping the ASPCA raise $30 million in its first two years.

What made this campaign so impactful? It comes down to one crucial element: emotion.

Emotion is a universal connector. Whether it’s sadness, joy, or excitement, it has the ability to forge deep bonds between people and causes. While nonprofits often lead the way in leveraging emotional engagement, businesses and churches can also harness this power to strengthen their mission and relationships.

Uncovering Your Organization’s Core

Before you can fully engage your audience emotionally, it’s essential to understand the very core of your organization. This requires deep reflection on your values, motivations, and the impact you want to create. Here are some key reminders and questions every organization should ask itself:

  1. Remember Your Why What is your organization’s purpose? Why do you exist? Understanding and regularly revisiting your “why” is critical to staying focused and ensuring your marketing strategies are in line with your mission. This clarity keeps your outreach authentic and mission-driven.
  2. Recognize Who You’re Impacting Who benefits from your work? Who supports your cause? Sharing stories of those you’ve touched—both directly and indirectly—can illustrate the true impact of your mission. These personal stories are not only motivational for your team but also resonate deeply with your audience.
  3. Identify What Motivates You What fuels your passion and drives your team? Knowing what energizes you will guide your messaging and outreach. For businesses and churches, this reflection helps refine how you engage with your community and form meaningful partnerships.
  4. Set Future Goals Where do you want to be in the next few years? Clear, measurable goals give your organization a roadmap for growth and success. Sharing these aspirations transparently with your audience, through detailed updates or an interactive timeline, keeps them engaged and aligned with your vision.
  5. Encourage Involvement How can people join your mission beyond financial contributions? Inviting your audience to actively participate in meaningful ways fosters a deeper sense of community and belonging. This engagement strengthens your relationship with supporters and deepens their connection to your cause.

In the fast pace of day-to-day operations, it’s easy to lose sight of these foundational elements. But by consistently revisiting your organization’s core values and staying emotionally connected with your audience, you’ll create lasting, impactful relationships.

At the heart of every successful organization lies the ability to connect, inspire, and motivate. By aligning your outreach with your core mission, you’ll foster a stronger community of supporters—whether you’re a nonprofit, business, or church. Wondering where to begin? We’d love to talk. Connect with us today to get the ball rolling.

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